
发布于 2017-09-13 · 本文总共 6146 字 · 阅读大约需要 18 分钟




所谓 递归查询过程 就是 “查询的递交者” 更替, 而 迭代查询过程 则是 “查询的递交者”不变。



http server 示例

package main

import (

func response(rw http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
    rw.Write([]byte("Hello world."))

func main() {
    http.HandleFunc("/", response)
    http.ListenAndServe(":8001", nil)







// Serve accepts incoming connections on the Listener l, creating a
// new service goroutine for each. The service goroutines read requests and
// then call srv.Handler to reply to them.
// HTTP/2 support is only enabled if the Listener returns *tls.Conn
// connections and they were configured with "h2" in the TLS
// Config.NextProtos.
// Serve always returns a non-nil error and closes l.
// After Shutdown or Close, the returned error is ErrServerClosed.
func (srv *Server) Serve(l net.Listener) error {
	if fn := testHookServerServe; fn != nil {
		fn(srv, l) // call hook with unwrapped listener

	origListener := l
	l = &onceCloseListener{Listener: l}
	defer l.Close()

	if err := srv.setupHTTP2_Serve(); err != nil {
		return err

	if !srv.trackListener(&l, true) {
		return ErrServerClosed
	defer srv.trackListener(&l, false)

	var tempDelay time.Duration // how long to sleep on accept failure

	baseCtx := context.Background()
	if srv.BaseContext != nil {
		baseCtx = srv.BaseContext(origListener)
		if baseCtx == nil {
			panic("BaseContext returned a nil context")

	ctx := context.WithValue(baseCtx, ServerContextKey, srv)
	for {
		rw, e := l.Accept()
		if e != nil {
			select {
			case <-srv.getDoneChan():
				return ErrServerClosed
			if ne, ok := e.(net.Error); ok && ne.Temporary() {
				if tempDelay == 0 {
					tempDelay = 5 * time.Millisecond
				} else {
					tempDelay *= 2
				if max := 1 * time.Second; tempDelay > max {
					tempDelay = max
				srv.logf("http: Accept error: %v; retrying in %v", e, tempDelay)
			return e
		if cc := srv.ConnContext; cc != nil {
			ctx = cc(ctx, rw)
			if ctx == nil {
				panic("ConnContext returned nil")
		tempDelay = 0
		c := srv.newConn(rw)
		c.setState(c.rwc, StateNew) // before Serve can return
		go c.serve(ctx)

首先通过Listener接收请求,其次创建一个Conn,最后单独开了一个goroutine, 把这个请求的数据当做参数扔给这个conn去服务:go c.serve()。 用户的每一次请求都是在一个新的goroutine去服务,相互不影响。

Go为了实现高并发和高性能, 使用了goroutines来处理Conn的读写事件, 这样每个请求都能保持独立, 相互不会阻塞,可以高效的响应网络事件。这是Go高效的保证。


http.HandleFunc(“/debug/pprof/”, Index)

http.HandleFunc(“/debug/pprof/cmdline”, Cmdline)

http.HandleFunc(“/debug/pprof/profile”, Profile)

http.HandleFunc(“/debug/pprof/symbol”, Symbol)

http.HandleFunc(“/debug/pprof/trace”, Trace)

	"allocs":       "A sampling of all past memory allocations",
	"block":        "Stack traces that led to blocking on synchronization primitives",
	"cmdline":      "The command line invocation of the current program",
	"goroutine":    "Stack traces of all current goroutines",
	"heap":         "A sampling of memory allocations of live objects. You can specify the gc GET parameter to run GC before taking the heap sample.",
	"mutex":        "Stack traces of holders of contended mutexes",
	"profile":      "CPU profile. You can specify the duration in the seconds GET parameter. After you get the profile file, use the go tool pprof command to investigate the profile.",
	"threadcreate": "Stack traces that led to the creation of new OS threads",
	"trace":        "A trace of execution of the current program. You can specify the duration in the seconds GET parameter. After you get the trace file, use the go tool trace command to investigate the trace.",

通过_ “net/http/pprof”开启pprof

import (
	_ "net/http/pprof"

func main() {
	http.ListenAndServe("localhost:8001", nil)



Types of profiles available:
Count	Profile
4	allocs
0	block         //查看导致阻塞同步的堆栈跟踪
0	cmdline
6	goroutine     //查看当前所有运行的 goroutines 堆栈跟踪
4	heap          //查看活动对象的内存分配情况
0	mutex
0	profile     //默认进行 30s 的 CPU Profiling,得到一个分析用的 profile 文件
13	threadcreate    //查看导致互斥锁的竞争持有者的堆栈跟踪
0	trace    
full goroutine stack dump
Profile Descriptions:

allocs: A sampling of all past memory allocations
block: Stack traces that led to blocking on synchronization primitives
cmdline: The command line invocation of the current program
goroutine: Stack traces of all current goroutines
heap: A sampling of memory allocations of live objects. You can specify the gc GET parameter to run GC before taking the heap sample.
mutex: Stack traces of holders of contended mutexes
profile: CPU profile. You can specify the duration in the seconds GET parameter. After you get the profile file, use the go tool pprof command to investigate the profile.
threadcreate: Stack traces that led to the creation of new OS threads
trace: A trace of execution of the current program. You can specify the duration in the seconds GET parameter. After you get the trace file, use the go tool trace command to investigate the trace.


  • 查看CPU耗时情况

go tool pprof


Fetching profile over HTTP from
Saved profile in xxxxx/pprof/pprof.my_app.samples.cpu.001.pb.gz
File: my_app
Type: cpu
Time: Jun 3, 2020 at 1:14pm (CST)
Duration: 30.01s, Total samples = 20ms (0.067%)
Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands, "o" for options)
(pprof) tree
Showing nodes accounting for 20ms, 100% of 20ms total
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%   calls calls% + context 	 	 
                                              10ms   100% |   reflect.(*rtype).PkgPath
      10ms 50.00% 50.00%       10ms 50.00%                | reflect.name.name
                                              10ms   100% |   reflect.mapaccess
      10ms 50.00%   100%       10ms 50.00%                | runtime.mapaccess2
                                              10ms   100% |   encoding/json.Marshal
         0     0%   100%       10ms 50.00%                | encoding/json.(*encodeState).marshal
                                              10ms   100% |   encoding/json.(*encodeState).reflectValue
(pprof) top 20
Showing nodes accounting for 20ms, 100% of 20ms total
Showing top 20 nodes out of 31
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
      10ms 50.00% 50.00%       10ms 50.00%  reflect.name.name
      10ms 50.00%   100%       10ms 50.00%  runtime.mapaccess2
         0     0%   100%       10ms 50.00%  encoding/json.(*encodeState).marshal
         0     0%   100%       10ms 50.00%  encoding/json.(*encodeState).reflectValue
         0     0%   100%       10ms 50.00%  encoding/json.Marshal
         0     0%   100%       10ms 50.00%  encoding/json.MarshalIndent
         0     0%   100%       10ms 50.00%  encoding/json.arrayEncoder.encode


flat%:同上的 CPU 运行耗时总比例

sum%:给定函数累积使用 CPU 总比例


cum%:同上的 CPU 运行耗时总比例


本博客所有文章采用的授权方式为 自由转载-非商用-非衍生-保持署名 ,转载请务必注明出处,谢谢。


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